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01 giugno 2006

Koizumi the Sol Levant Richard Gere...

I read and article titled "Tokyo discovers elections-show". You know, in these days the Japanese premier Junichiro Koizumi was riconfirmed by the elections. Politically talking, he's the long-lived, considered that he's been in power since 2001. With this electoral campaign he presented himself as the new Japan icon and he has been really particular. Koizumi, there's nothing to be said, is a really singular type: he's 60; has long hair and he's got an eventful sentimental life (was divorced and now single); he made a record with his favourtite Elvis's songs and went to the office with a shirt and casual clothes to let air-conditioners down and to cut consumption of electricity down. During this electoral campaign Koizumi tryed to make to pass the post privatization, but at least 37 members of his party backed off and failed the purposal: since that they're called "killers".

The premier only answer was to relieve them of their posts and for this NEW JAPAN he counted onsimple people and female force, always a bit in the shadow in the country: he proposed 26 women as candidates, including the ex-Miss Tokyo, a famous anchorwoman, a famous cook, who publicly admitted to not understand anything about politic and the founder of a famous web site, who's only 32.
I know i'm famous to start very far in my conversations but... this was to make the image live in you, to make myself clear... This Koizumi seems a manga character... he almost doesn't seem real in the today's Japan and... Hey! Whit regards to manga... What a best mean to reach citizens????? What why???!!! Well, in London on the underground it reads tabloid; in Japan it reads manga. There are for all tastes, but... maybe you don't know, unless you haven't followed the Japanese vicissitude on papers, that Koizumi used manga in the electoral campaign, yeah, exactly manga, in particular the famous Inu-Yasha.
I'd like showing you a poster of the Koizumi's electoral campaign, ini which he used manga but, unfortunately, I cannot find it, so , be satisfied with a poster of the manga and a Koizumi's caicature.
See you soon. Bye!