Balloon English Version

Welcome in the manga corner! Here you can talk about comics in general, specifically about manga and all on 360° matter comic or use it. I hope you are going to be a regular and large group of reader of this Blog division. Kia

10 maggio 2006

At first it was Balloon...

Ok, first of all HI EVERYONE! Then, I’m on the safe side saying it’s the first time I do these kind of things, so I’ll do my best but please, be patient if sometimes I’m not going to be able to satisfy your expectation or to simulate your curiosity suitably.
The blog name is balloon and it regards comic in general and in particular manga, where I’m a little bit more competent. I choose Balloon as blog name because it’s one of the crammed full elements of the comic speech structure and so it’s an identify characteristic together with illustrations, captions, etc. But you could just imagine how disgusting to calla blog “illustration” or “caption”, so here is the choice more sensible as well as almost unavoidable!
My aim in this blog is to give imput, to stimulate your critical part. I’m going to talk of comics from the technical-communication point of view (I won’t risk talking of aspects I don’t know, like the painting style for example), or simply I’ll review a manga that I read recently to comment upon it together.
So, let’s start! And… Oh, my God, from where do I start? OK, here I am!
Among the clocks-up I’ve studied at University well, yes, it seems that there were comics, too and it’s very useful a note given to me by an amazing professor.
Who read at least once in his life a comic will find banal what I’m writing, but there are so many little particulars that it couldn’t notice or that didn’t know because closely technical.
For example: Did you know that comic sentences are called Normative Language? This because it follows the daily current language used, which follows a code with linguistic rules. Expressions we are used to with Mickey Mouse such as sigh, sob, argh, are called Emotional Language, because of their ability of condensing in a single onomatopoeia the whole emotional range, such as resignation, sadness, anger, etc.
Comics have an inner logic. Captions must be read before the balloon or at the same time. They tell the situation to the reader, it takes a book inner story teller place… and such as in a book, the comic works if it identify itself with characters.
Have you ever happened to start reading a comic and to forget at all that you’re reading? It seems to be in the story, like an external observer, such as… in a live movie. Perhaps not at these levels, but if a comic involve you, the story works and be sure that you’re reading a really good comic.
That’s enough, I don’t want to be boring. It’s only the first post and we’ll have time and way to talk of anything regarding comics.
I end with a quotation, because there’s nothing better than a quotation to raise comments.
Scott Mc Loud in a comics essay, “made” by illustrations, says that comics take up our sense of identity, favour extension and reduction processes of perceived and mentally elaborated reality.
Scott Mc Loud is one of the biggest comic-strip artists and experts of comics into circulation and he also wrote many books about it. In his web site there’s a blog (but obviously all in English) and there are also on line comics with a really curious layout. Here’s the link:
Bye and see you next time!

04 maggio 2006


Hiiiiii!!!! This is the first post of this new blog. I hope you pardon me for my poor english and I hope to have the steadiness to continue for a long time, too.
I only translate the italian posts of the other blog, balloon, but in this way I hope someone could read it better. Let's see... ^_^
That's all for now.

PS: This imagine it's from the web site of Ogawa's mangaka.